Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have just been googling a report I heard yesterday on the local noon news WESH-TV Orlando about an UCF scientist who may have found a CURE, yes, you are reading correctly, a CURE for diabetes. It boggles my mind that this is so close to happening! Read these articles and spread the news. A $2 million was awarded to UCF from the National Institutes of Health to fund this study.

Here are several articles I found when googling this topic... (GO Oviedo, FL!)

Being a skeptic, I am always looking for "the other side of the story" but so far, I haven't found anything negative (except that drug companies may lose lots of $ on insulin and oral anti-diabetic medications).

Here is an excerpt about this professor's partial credentials...

"Daniell, who is the first
UCF Trustee Chair in Life Sciences,
began teaching at UCF in 1998. His
research led to the formation of UCF's first
biotechnology company, called
Chlorogen, for the commercial development of
patented chloroplast genetic
engineering technology. In 2004, he won UCF's
Pegasus Professor Award, the
top honor given to a faculty member who excels in
teaching, research and
service. Daniell also became only the 14th American in
the last 222 years to
be elected to the Italian National Academy of Sciences."

I am psyched!!!


Let's back up a few days...


HAPPY 1st Anniversary Karl and Teagan!!!
It was actually the 19th and they did spend it together at Seaworld (their favorite place to visit in California). I apologize for placing it on the blog post haste.
They were at Seaworld all day on Sunday after Teagan spent the day at the beach on Friday and was burned pretty badly. I was worried all day about her shoulders but she seemed to be resilient and had a wonderful time despite it.
Karl had fun planning the day and had a special surprise for dinner...


He made reservations for the Shamu Rocks Dinner Buffet. They sat right at the tank and watched the whales around them as they ate. A special evening to cap off their anniversary! The Shamu Rocks show finished off the night (with priority seating as part of the buffet!)

The picture below has a special story. Karl came home after dropping off Teagan at her house (making sure that her car door was left unlocked) and uploaded his pictures to the computer. Then he picked out two pictures and photoshopped them. He printed both out. One for the frame you see below and the other for the inside of Teagan's anniversary card. Let's just say that it's of Teagan in a "priceless" pose! So, Karl finished making the card around 2 am and drove over to Teagan's house to place the two items in her car before she got up for her first day of school. Forever the romantic!!!



BTW, the Shamu sticker, punch and cardstock are compliments of mom's scrapbooking stash!!! LOL

Monday, August 27, 2007

The joy of bringing joy....

I love a happy ending!
A friend has adopted three little girls and we tried to find a gift for them. Tickets to Wet and Wild sounded good but they went the week they came home to live here in FL! So, I scrambled with ways to make their gift a special, memorable one, while having to hurry before they went and did it first. Somehow, I thought of the Build-A-Bear idea and it became a hit! I ordered them on-line and each girl received her own envelope with gift card attached in a cute "Cub Condo" card. The attached message read, "We come "bear"-ing gift cards!!! Oh Happy Day!!! Congratulations!!! From The Banks". When the parents explained what they had gotten, the girls drove mom and dad nuts to go right away. So, they went on Saturday (received on Friday night) and stayed for 3 hours deciding on everything including accessories! They take them to bed at night and want to carry them all day long, too!!! That makes me smile. So cute!!!
Here are their choices. Mom's is the mouse on the left, dad's is the triceratops in the middle and the girls chose the two kitties and the bear.
How wonderful!!!


Some new additions...

I have added a few things to the side bar for your enjoyment.
I may have to add...grab a cuppa joe or a spot of tea and read away...

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I have added a QOTD on the side bar for your entertainment. I send one out nightly to a group of friends and saw this feed. I like it!

Random pictures of interest...

This wine didn't make it to the tast test but I rate it a "5" for original name!!!
(And it would have been tied for the most expensive bottle!!! LOL)

A picture hanging above the bed in my mother-in-law's bedroom. I love to look at it every time I go there.


This was a weed in the backyard rose garden area but I thought it looked so symmetrical! And green!