Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I learned something today...

Here is the original picture I took in 2006 of the hibiscus I love to pieces! I have two of them and they were hit by the freeze in December. They are coming back now and will be fine for the summer. I call these the sunset hibiscus.
I wanted to learn how to alter photos and Karl gave me a quick tutorial tonight. I can't wait for more lessons!!!


When I am able, I shall...
when I am unable, what can I do
but wait
for me to return
to myself
- a fellow blogger

Monday, March 03, 2008

Living the Tao

Thoughts bending flexible,

allowing for any possibility,
like supple palm trees
bowing in abeyance to forceful winds,
elastically swaying,
shifting from rigidity to fluidity,
while rooted in humility,

Small thinking
anchored in well-being,
a liquid state of mind
detached from outcome,
flowing within a living oneness,
a soft resilient patience,
a natural harmony,
strong and free,

Accomplishing great deeds,

conquering without striving,
like running water eroding rock,

inside the moment of being alive,

trusting the usefulness of uselessness,

Ending conflict

by showing love,

Curious, rather than afraid,

Finding happiness within

the space of not doing anything,
just the space of being done.
Gordon Neumann


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess

Theodor Geisel was born today in the year 1904. Check it out here.
What was your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Mine was "The Lorax", although, "Oh, The Places You'll Go" is a close second!