Saturday, March 15, 2008

When you talk the talk...

You better walk the walk!!!
I walked from 7:18 pm until noon today!!! I did 234 laps which is the ecquivalent of 47 miles!!! I feel sore but very accomplished. It rained until 1 or 2 am and some of it was fairly steady rain. I used my umbrella for that time.
I met some amazing people there. Many were survivors who came to help others and take part in something that they want to see eradicated. We talked while we walked. I made a lot of friends and we have the same commitments to seeing this through. Hoping that one day, cancer will be a thing of the past.
The whole atmosphere was of hope and courage. Laughter and excitement. Pride and love.

I am touched by those who walked with me to find out why I was walking "that extra mile". They wanted to help me keep going. That was so cool of them to want to do. I loved the atmosphere and the encouragement by others. We all shared in that. Today might have seemed like it was all about me but it wasn't. It was all about a cause which I took to heart.
My final laps approaching 12 noon were very memorable. There were many people all around me, even the whole "Broken Chain Gang" team was there walking the last two laps cheering me on. I received many hugs and hand shakes congratulating me for my accomplishment. It moved me to tears as I tallied up my last marks on my sleeve.
There is no worse battle than having to fight for your life. To face the gates of death and know that you have to move on, you can't take a break, you can't give up. I had a choice, I didn't have to do what I did. I could go on with my life with no difference if I did give up my walking goal. But those fighting cancer don't have that option. They have to overcome the chemo, the radiation, the surgeries, the boodwork, loss of hair, loss of weight, loss of freedom and independence.
I walked for them. I walked the walk!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gordon Klatt, MD

Who is he and why is he important to me? Find out here.

What does Namasté mean?

The Divine in me salutes the Divine in you. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you of Love, of Light, of Truth, of Peace. I honor the place in you where if you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me we are One.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New License tag for me....

326 SUX
That reads:
I am not happy about paying three dollars and twenty six cents a for a gallon of gasoline for my vehicle!!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Amuse Yourself

Along with contributing to a healthy heart, laughter can also contribute to a stronger immune system.
Christian Northrup, M.D., related a study done by researchers who proved the significance of positive feelings on the immune system. The white cell count in the saliva of several college students was measured before and after watching three different types of movies. One was a war picture, another a documentary on organic farming. The third film was a romantic comedy.

Without variation, the white cell count was consistently higher among students after watching the comedy. The advanced number of white cells indicated a stronger immune system. No change occurred after the organic documentary and, tellingly, the white-cell count of students who watched the war film dropped considerably.

This is an excerpt from Vibrant Life on-line. More of the article can be found here.