This just in... We captured his picture before we even knew who he was!

There is room in everyone's life for positive thoughts. Life goes on more smoothly, efficiently and with greater zest when you think of the "half full glass". I hope to keep a record of my world as I see it. As I feel it. As I hear it. As I live it... Carpe Diem!
This is one of three benches used at the park in the movie Forrest Gump. One other is in the Smithsonian and the third is in the location where the movie was filmed...Savannah, GA.
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The other studio tour was NBC but we weren't able to take any pictures inside. We were lucky enough to see Jay Leno just before his show started. It starts out here at 4 pm and lasts until 5:15 pm.
The other blogs for today are all of the Daytime Emmys which we were able to get glimpses of the stars entering the Kodak Theatre. I was getting on the elevator when a group of people were getting off...Barbara Walters, Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck along with other members of their show. All decked out. Too bad I didn't know it or I would have gotten out my camera. I rushed back to the hotel room and ran to the window and saw them walking across the pool area 2 floors below us. The kids saw them, too!
Dr. Phil accompanied by his wife. (I think.)
What awards show is complete without the queen mother of tv herself, Ms. Betty White...85 years young!!!
Notice the cool duds KJ is sporting! He got many looks today and one of the park employees asked him where he got his belt buckle...the new one from FSAS! He was stoked!!!
Several princesses came to each table after being announced by the town cryer including Belle, Snow White, Aurora and Mary Poppins. On our table were 5 pins to commemorate the occassion. What an awesome day!!!
A back view...too small for even your average princess.
Of course, what vacation would be complete without scheduling your park day on the first day of a new ride?!!! The park was packed on this day. But, we refrained from standing in the 5 hour line to see the refurbished "20,000 Leaues Under the Sea" ride which is now the "Finding Nemo" submarine ride.