Okay, I'm starting to walk again! My motivation seems to be more of doing it because I see others doing it. Take the FATMANWALKING for instance. He is going from San Diego, CA to NYC. It has taken about a year but he is doing it. So, I say now, I can do it, too!
Today, I walked 4 miles in one hour and 57 seconds. Just about a 15 minute mile. I set goals during my walk and changed them while I was walking! Right now, my 3 main goals today are to do this blog (done), prepare the paper bag album for the four girls I chaperoned in NYC for the band trip and do a walk tomorrow...checking first to see if the MFM have a walk going on.
I weighed 181.5 lbs this am. I am a pre-diabetic and in need of losing some weight and speeding up my metabolism. Huh, another goal!!! Go figure...
BTW, that picture is of me when I was at IOA (Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, FL) last month. I have let my hair grow out for the last 4-5 years and I need a change. I am getting it cut today! Locks of love, look out!
Addendum: I came up with some ideas for walking and I think I will use my plain, bright colored t-shirts for each walk and paint a number for the walk number I did. And I can date it in Sharpie. I want to videotape me walking tomorrow and talk while I walk and then take a picture or two.
1 comment:
Great job on setting walking goals! My father took up walking four years ago--three miles every day--and he's never regretted it. Now he uses a per-week goal of twenty-some miles, but he still keeps at it.
He's also 59, as a point of reference--so it's applaudable for anyone to make a goal like this and stick to it! Congrats!
Cheers, -Will
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