Here we are at the Catalina Casino. It is not open to the public except for tours. We did not take the tour so we weren't able to see the inside. The upper floor which is a large ballroom has a round shape and diameter of almost 200 ft ! (They say it is breathtaking.)

We took the 50 minute tour which takes you up the mountain to see views below of the town of Avalon. Here is a picture of an area hit by the fire back in May of this year. It was the largest fire on the island in its history. Some areas of the island are still without phone service!!!
A view of our walk past the casino where there was a band playing outdoors near the beach. These grand palms are beautiful. Everything there was beautiful!!!
This picture was taken during our tour. The bus driver really knew his way around the island. He was really funny, too. He told us many tidbits of information including history about the Wrigley family.
Another breathtaking view from our tour. We didnt get out of the open air bus but we sure were able to get some spectacular pics! If you look carefully, you can see our boat just about in the center of the picture.

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