Friday, June 15, 2007

PCH Tour 2007 Day 14

We went to Universal Studios Hollywood today. It seems to be the least favorite of the parks we visited so far. Although the lines weren't long, there is a reason for that. The studio backlot tour was lame and we have several of the rides down in FL so I figure many people have seen it there and don't bother to go here! The scenery for the park along a mountain, is great. Probably the best thing about the park. Shrek 4D was pretty good and the Terminator 2 in 3D show was impressive. The Jurassic Park ride got us soaked! Not bad for cooling down in the 80 degree weather.

Even though the backlot tour wasn't so good, we did get to see Wisteria Lane and the actual place where some outdoor scenes were filmed in the movie War of the Worlds.


Notice the cool duds KJ is sporting! He got many looks today and one of the park employees asked him where he got his belt buckle...the new one from FSAS! He was stoked!!!


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