This is Zach Majka. He was the honorary chairperson of the Oviedo Relay event. He is holding the torch that went around the track the entire 18 hours of the Relay and was passed around each lap. He has survived cancer 3 times. What a trouper!!! His mom is following behind him. She, too, is a cancer survivor as is her mother, Zach's grandmother!

This is Zach breaking the banner (which says "Celebrate") to start the survivor lap. Both the OHS Lion mascot and the HHS Huskie mascot were pulling the banner. If you look carefully, you can see the HHS drumline in front of the banner. They led the way for the march/walk/relay against cancer.
On the survivor brother and my friend Jackie.
Here they are coming up on the last curve of the lap. They look like true survivors...warriors for the rest!
These gentlemen were holding up the rear. They had the Relay banner and everyone else joined in the walking behind them.
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